My sister, my best friend and I visited Perth last year in September after espying an irresistible offer from Air Asia. We hadn’t been to Australia before, so we trawled the Internet to find out about the weather, food, accommodation, etc.
We learnt that no food is allowed into Australia, especially not herbs and fruits. During our flight, we were given a form to declare whether we had any food with us. I ticked yes, my sister and my friend ticked no. When we reached the airport in Perth, they checked our forms and opened our bags.

My friend had brought a packet of Milo, which was a no-no. She tried to argue that Milo was not a food but a drink. My sister, who brought a few packets of ginger tea, also argued that it was dry stuff. As for me, they threw away my packet of Nestum.
My sister and my friend were given a warning letter at the airport for lying.
We grumbled in Bahasa Malaysia but it back fired on us. The staff there could speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia.
That really made us blush. We found out that they took courses in Bahasa Malaysia to communicate with Malaysians.
Later, when it was all behind us, we had a good laugh. What a way to start our holiday. Anyway, the 10 days we spent there was a good one. We are hoping to be back to Perth again but this time we will strictly follow the rules.
My sister framed her warning letter as a souvenir!
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