Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The question : There seems to be a dispute over the tourism figures for Penang and Malacca?

Tourism Minister answered : There are several statistics. Our hotel stays and foreign tourist arrivals are reported to the World Tourism Organisation.

Local states provide us with the detailed statistics, including figures of those who stay in lodging houses and apartments, which we do not keep at the federal level.

Malacca had 8.9 million tourists last year, 7.29 million of whom were domestic tourists.

They gave us very detailed numbers including those on health and student tourism, which stood at 60,000 and 100,000 respectively.

Penang tourist arrivals were recorded at 5.96 million as they only gave us the number of hotel guests. They did not give us a detailed breakdown like Malacca.

As a Tourism Minister, I listen to every state. I want every state to excel. This also helps us meet our KPI target for the nation.

Editor footnote: She listen to everyone except the industry and the stakeholders.

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